Network and Learn from the Comfort of Home!

 Marketing Director   September 21, 2020  Job Search

Attending conferences and career fairs can be a very effective way to figure out what you want to do next in your career and what steps are needed to get there. This year, these events look very different from what we’re used to. Many of them are happening online, offering works on topics like career planning, virtual interviewing, and salary negotiations. They also have virtual booths for potential employers and companies that provide job resources for you to connect with.

Here’s a short list of virtual events happening this fall:  

Other events and resources:

  • Leading an Intentional Life Online Course: Thomas Edison State University is pleased to offer this course based on the book Time to Get Real! and the Life and Career Planning Model© to help you take some control of your career during these times of changing job markets and massive shifts in the workplace.
