Category: CV/Resume Advice

CV/Resume Advice
Professional Services for Job Seekers: Professional resume writer gives advice to their client.

Job Search Support: Choosing Professional Services

The following is the second article of a two-part series on...

CV/Resume Advice
Early career professional writing notes during meeting with professional resume writer

Using Professional Services for Your Job Search

The following is the first article of a two-part series on...

CV/Resume Advice

AI Tools for Job Seekers: From Resumes to Interview Prep

Are you using artificial intelligence to find and land your next...

CV/Resume Advice
Higher ed professional working in lab at higher ed institution

Cover Letter Tips for Veterans (Video)

Need cover letter tips? It helps to first review what the...

CV/Resume Advice
Job candidate smiling at camera

Resume Writing Tips for Veterans (Video)

The purpose of a resume is to inform an employer of...

CV/Resume Advice

How to Own Your Career Gap with Confidence

If you’re job-searching and worried about how to explain a career...

CV/Resume Advice
Hiring Process: A candidate being interviewed by a hiring comittee

How to Get In and Show Up During the Hiring Process

Applying for a college or university job can be daunting: thick...

CV/Resume Advice
Higher ed professional reviewing their LinkedIn Profile

5 Reasons Why You Really Should Have a LinkedIn Profile

Recently, multiple people have told me that while they use LinkedIn...

CV/Resume Advice

Optimize Your Resume and Cover Letter

Retired U.S. Army veteran Adam Potter applied to multiple HR positions...

CV/Resume Advice
Tips for Age Proofing Your Resume - Older higher ed professional smiling at camera

Tips for Age-Proofing Your Resume

There may come a time in your career when you'll feel...